Friday, March 27, 2015

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The quote that I picked from the "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" is: "Resolved, That women is man's equal-was intended to be so by the Creator, and the highest good of the race demands that she should be recognized as such". 
The meaning of this quote is for women to attain certain rights such as, civil, social, political, and religious rights that men have and that they should be treated equal. 
I see the whole article as a protest for the mistreatment of women in the American society.  It echoes the preamble of the Declaration of Independence.  This quote represents a demand to the government so that women are granted all of the rights and privileges that men possess, that they should be treated equal as men.  Some of the rights might include, the right to vote.  Social and institutional barriers as family responsibilities, lack of education and educational opportunities do not really help for women to have equal rights as men.   Basically women did not have a voice in our society, however, today women somewhat have the same rights as men and even thought the two genders do not have equal rights one hundred percent it is a big progress from 1848 to 2015.  For example, we still see that big corporations top executives are mostly men, and that there is still a big difference when it comes to men and women salaries.  Women and men should have the same rights and today it is "believe" that we do have them, which in reality we don't, the problem is how do we enforce laws so we both could have the same rights in our society.   Very interesting and controversial article. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Seventh of March Speech by Daniel Webster

The quote that I picked from reading Webster's article is "Now, Sir, upon the general nature and influence of slavery there exists a wide difference of opinion between the northern portion of this country and the southern".
This quote has to do with the sentiments from the North towards slavery and the different opinion that they had about it and opinions have to do with the different interest that they had towards slavery and slaves.
Division from the north and the south have been seen for a long time, each one has different opinions on slavery.  I would say that one of the reasons that the North would not agree with slavery in the South is because it would slow down economic growth since the South continued to use slavery and the North was beginning to industrialize and therefore slavery was a barrier to industrialization in the whole country.  I agree that if one side of the country is against the other it will be really hard and almost impossible to to succeed  and accomplish anything as a society and to meet everyone's needs and interests.  At this point, there was an industrial side vs. an agricultural side and the question would be what would be best for America? so both sides had their own opinion and were functioning as if they were separate countries.  So each one wanted to succeed in attain their interest in a completely different way.  I do not agree that the North really cared about abolition of slavery, but they cared more about succeeding economically and since they didn't need slaves and the South relied on slaves for labor.  And not to defend the South because I do not agree with slavery because it goes against a person's will, but the South needed slaves to work on the plantations because this side of the country has huge plantations and slaves were a cheap labor force.   Reading this article gave me a different perspective on how the government looks at the interest of the American society and why certain choices are made based on the best interest for all.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Another Stab at the Constitution

The quote that I chose is from Alexander Keyssar, " As a nation, we have come to embrace “one person, one vote” as a fundamental democratic principle, yet the allocation of electoral votes to the states violates that principle." I chose this quote because it deals with our democratic form of government, in which the government would give power to the people.  Representatives are chosen by the people so they can make decisions for them.  
To my understanding this quote critiques that the democratic principle is being violated because the electoral vote system not the popular vote is the one that chooses our president.  For instance, the popular vote is the total overall of votes in a country where Americans vote directly to chose their candidate in a presidential election, however the president is elected by an institution called the Electoral College where electors officially elect the president.  For me, to select the president via the electoral college means that the U.S is not trusting their people and that we are not really a democracy and that by the popular vote we are making people believe that they have some kind of participation on choosing who our next president will be and in reality  we are not participating.  So I agree that people would feel discourage when they realize that taking their time to go out and vote would not really make a difference on their opinions and what they want best for this country.   By choosing presidents by electoral vote our country is giving states a voice in the presidential election and not a voice to our people.  I see the electoral vote process as unfair because it is not directly proportional to that state population so because smaller states have less electoral votes their influence on the presidential election would be less.  If popular votes were to be use to choose our president every vote would have a significant impact. Why would we have such a complicated method of choosing our future president that a lot of people would not really understand?